LIA Response to blog:
My mentor's name is Lourdes Garay and I have completed my hours at San Jose School in Pomona.
I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to complete my mentorship with Lourdes Garay a wonderful mentor that allowed me an unforgettable experience. I was able to work with students as a whole class and one on one. This helped me grow as a future teacher and person. The most important thing that I learned from mentorship was to speak out when I knew something was wrong, such as a student misbehaving. One example of this is when my mentor and I were dismissing the students once they had cleaned up their desk. There was this one student who my mentor dismissed, but I didn't know that and he had a mess under his desk. I told him to clean it up and he said "no teacher already dismissed me", I than told okay, but after you clean up your mess. Although I told him that he still insisted on not cleaning up his desk, so I than told him more firmly and he listened and did as I told him to do.
My mentorship has helped me with my essential question by allowing me to first-hand work with students and see how my mentor handles different situations. My essential question is "How does a teacher best set a learning environment where the majority of time is spent on teaching and learning rather than discipline?" As I have said before from the experience I have had with one of the students is that as a teacher part of having control of the classroom is having a firm "handle". In the end by having a firm "handle" there are less distractions and disruptions in the class.
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