LITERAL (a) “I, Stephanie
Marin, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31
hours and 30 minutes of work.”
(b) I did my hours at my mentorship which is at San Jose School with
Lourdes Garay. I also used a website called Conerstone to help me with my
Independent Component.
Watson, Angela. The Cornerstone RSS.
Thecornerstoneforteachers, n.d. Web. Jan. 2015.
Other helpful resources I read:
1) Mackenzie, Robert, Stanzione, Lisa. "Creating
Structure That Works." Setting Limits in the Classroom.
By Robert J. Mackenzie. Rocklin, CA: Prima Pub., 2003. N. 1-27.
2) Escobar, Lindia, Kate Ortolano, Roslyn Duffy, and Deborah
Owen-Sohocki. "Encouragement & Mistaken Goals." Positive
Discipline A Teacher's A-Z Guide. By Jane Nelsen. 2nd ed. New York: Three
Rivers, 2001. 1-14. Print.
3) Mackenzie, Robert, Stanzione, Lisa. "How Students
Learn your Rules." Setting Limits in the Classroom. . Rocklin, CA: Prima
Pub., 2003. N. 84-103. Print.
4)Escobar, Lindia, Kate Ortolano, Roslyn Duffy, and Deborah
Owen-Sohocki. ""Good" Students." Postive Discipline A
Teacher's A-Z Guide. By Jane Nelsen. 2nd ed. New York: Three Rivers, 2001.
156-158. Print.
5) Mackenzie, Robert, Stanzione, Lisa. ʺHow Teachers Teach
Their Rules.ʺ Setting Limits in the Classroom. . Rocklin, CA: Prima Pub., 2003.
N. 104-134. Print.
6) Foley, Dave. "6 Classroom Management Tips Every
Teacher Can Use .ʺ National Education Association. . 2010.
7) Bart, Mary. "Dealing with Difficult Students and
Other Classroom Disruptions." Faculty Focus Dealing with Difficult
Students and Other Classroom Disruptions Comments. Magna Publications, 4 June
2014. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.
8) Watson, Angela. "How to Create Class Rules."
Thecornerstoneforteachers. N.p., 10 Oct. 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2014.
9) Watson, Angela. "Ideas for Classroom Seating Arrangements."
The Cornerstone RSS. N.p., 18 Oct. 2011. Web. 03 Dec. 2014.
10) Watson, Angela. "10 Ways to Calm a Class after Lunch
or Recess." The Cornerstone RSS. N.p., 2 Dec. 2014. Web. 04 Dec. 2014.
(c) You can find my updated Independent Component One Hours here
or on the side of my blog under links called "Senior Project Hours".
(d) I have done 30 hours and 30 minutes
of doing more research, mentorship experience, seeing other
teachers teach and creating my own syllabus and I will explain
more below in the "Interpretive" section.
For my Independent Component One I volunteered at my
mentorship with my mentor, Lourdes Gary. I helped answer questions students had
and assisted them on their classwork. I also gave them tickets for good
behavior which could later be used for a prize. I also sat in with other
teachers to see how they taught and disciplined in their classroom for example,
I went to a fourth and fifth combo classroom and to be honest it was difficult
to watch the teacher put on a brave face when trying to get both grade levels
to listen and learn. I saw how she would quiet one side of the room and while
that was happening the other side would start talking and disrupting the class.
The way I saw she had an advantage was a promise of a pizza party for good
behavior this helped me see how she disciplined her classroom differently
from the other teachers I have seen. I also did a lot of research using
Cornerstone to create my syllabus. Creating my
syllabus was difficult because I had to make it clear and precise to
for both parent and student to understand. Another factor that I needed to
decide was what rules would I have from all the research I have done it would be
best if I only choose five rules, which was not an easy thing to narrow down.
- Raise
your hand to speak
- Do
not speak when someone else is speaking
- Treat
all students and adults with respect
- Follow
rules and directions the first time
- Always
try your best!
This component helped me understand my senior project more because I have a
better understanding of how to answer my essential question since my second
answer is expectation in which I was able to create my own syllabus. By
creating my own slabs I was able to do extensive research on what actually
works in a classroom and what doesn't which as I said before made it hard to
create my rules and also my four expectations.
- Be Kind
- Keep hands/feet to yourself
- Be Responsible:
- Be on time
- Follow classroom rules
Be Prepared:
- Bring materials/supplies daily
Be a Learner:
- Pay Attention
- Think
- Ask questions
by going into other classrooms it gave me another perspective on how to explain
my second answer for example, my mentor offers incentives for her third grade
class and it actually works, but by going to higher grade levels I saw that it
didn't have the same effect, some students wanted the incentive, but
the majority of students could care less. Also my continuing to do
hours at my mentorship I am growing to what I call as being "mean"
which is really not being mean it's just part of what a teacher is suppose to
do for example, when the students are talking or off task I am becoming more
confident in quickly redirecting them to be back on task. Overall my
Independent Component has help me grow into a stronger future teacher, have
more knowledge on what works and what doesn't when it comes to having rules and
expectations and hopefully when I become a teacher I won't have to teach a
combo class (fingers crossed).
P.S. Sorry that my syllabus is a bit plain I couldn't add all of my other
"fun" stuff on a google docs since I didn't know how to add a Word
document on here.
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